Technology drives vehicle insurance premiums 

13 January 2021

You didn't have a claim or lose any discounts however your car insurance premium has gone up? This is the case across all insurers in New Zealand as the cost of vehicle repairs has increased, particularly with the higher level of technology fitted into later model vehicles.

Many windscreens for example are now fitted with sensors that drive automatic window wipers, this simple (and convenient) feature costs far more than a standard windscreen to replace. A cost that accumulates across the board and is eventually passed onto NZ consumers. The sensor technology doesn't stop at the windscreen, with anti-crash sensors, electric wing mirrors and error codes to be cleared from simply replacing an exterior panel; all of which contribute to the rising claim costs when a vehicle is damaged in an accident. 

It isn't all bad news though, this increase in technology has meant we are driving vehicles with many more safety features and are much safer on the roads than their older counter-parts. 

Our job as your Insurance Broker is to find the best solution in the market for your vehicle insurance at renewal time. We have several discounts available to reduce your premiums as much as possible. We know the market, the insurers and work on your behalf. We are always happy to look at your existing policy and see if we can find you a better deal here at Vercoes.

If you have been hit with an increase and would like to discuss alternative options feel free to give us a call.

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